Heather's Holistic Healing

One on One Sessions

Healing the Human from the Quantum Field.

You found me because...... image
Have you decided you've had enough with the way your life is going or not going? Do you need change? Do you want growth?  Were you diagnosed with a medical condition and you would like to take a holistic approach to riding yourself of such DIS-EASE? Do you want a clear path to self discovery, and sovereignty?
Our sessions can help you in many aspects of your life.
  1. Need to shift energy in your life and body
  2. Need help with medical concerns or conditions
  3. Repeating patterns in your life, relationships, family problems. career, financial
  4. Anxiety, stress depression
  5. Want to figure out life's purpose 
Together we will peel the layers, navigate intense emotions, clear trauma, intuitively connect the dots to find and reveal stories you are holding in place that's preventing everything your soul and human desires and needs. We will create a pathway to wellness for your body, mind and soul.

Heather Wingate

Quantum Intuitive Healer/ QHHT Practitioner

So many of our problems we have in this life time comes from another life time, another dimension, or not even ours at all. We carry cords, contracts, vows, oaths, curses from our Akashic records and other timelines into this lifetime with us. All of these cause our lives to run stagnant, cause physical , mental and emotional problems in all areas.
I use the quantum field as an intuitive quantum healer to help move energy from your field and clear up your fourth dimensional lens so there's movement back in your life.

Quantum Healing Pet Sessions

Our pet's energetically carry things in their field that manifest as physical pain, medical conditions, emotional distress, psychological problems. With healing from the quantum space, we can clear a lot of these from their fields and help them enjoy life. I will use all the tools I have under my belt to help your pet from using energy work, channeling healing light codes from the universe, to tapping in with my psychic abilities.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis session (in person only) $300 4-5 hours

You are guided to a trance state where we first explore a past life regression then call forth your higher self where we address physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blocks within your life . Book your healing session today to get your life moving once again!. To book a session email me @ Heatherwingate3@aol.com A deposit of $150 is due to book the session the remaining balance is due the day of session.

Learn More

Regression Meditation via Zoom

Guided meditation to a past lifetime, followed by a guided meditation to meet your spirit guide, finishing with a future timeline regression. Please be in a quiet room with no distractions for this guided meditation over a zoom call. To book this session please email me @ Heatherwingate3@aol.com 1 hour $75

Surviving being Human Quantum Healing session

You are a multidimensional being having a human experience and it's fucking hard!!! Sorry not sorry for the language. I'm not a love and light all the time type of being or healer, I'm a no bullshit, no sugar coating tell you like it is person. You ok with that? Good stay with me then because I got you and can help!! If life is freaking hard is your truth you are in the right spot. In this session I will track the energetic thread that holds the answers to your concerns or problems. Incarnating as a human we bring a lot of baggage from other lifetimes, ancestral patterns, traumas, and curses. These manifest in all layers of our bodies causing physical, mental and emotional problems making life difficult. I will use all the tools i have to facilitate balance, harmony, growth and self-discovery and get you moving in a forward direction. This is a one on one session over Zoom 1 Hour @ $100 To book this session please email me @ heatherwingate3@aol.com

Pet Quantum Healing Session

Helping our family members from the animal kingdom with physical, mental and emotional dis-ease. Sessions can involve energy work, channeling healing light codes, use of intuitive and psychic abilities like clearing emotions and traumas from past lifetimes. sessions are online via zoom 45mins : $75 message me @ heatherwingate3@aol.com to book a time


Check out my online store with all natural body and wellness products as well as other goodies I hand make!


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  • Salisbury, Maryland, United States

To book your session, email me at heatherwingate3@aol.com. Let me know which session you are interested in.

 Amazing experience! Learned so much during this experience! Heather makes this process so easy and I was very comfortable. Was able to heal certain things and also learn why certain things effect me. Would highly recommend. 

Eizabeth G

 Heather is very professional. Her skills are amazing. I learned a lot about my past lives through hypnosis. Also we fixed my migraines as well. You should definitely give it a try! 

Jessica B

 What an amazing eye opening experience! Heather makes it so easy and comfortable to guide you through the past life that will help heal whatever you're struggling with . From learning why I deal with certain pains and clearing them to finding out I have a contract with someone from this life that I'm close to now. Things make much more sense....highly recommend! 

Becky D